Monday 4 April 2011

Parts of the speech.

There are 8 parts of speech

1)Noun-Noun is a word that tells the name of a person , place , thing , an emotion or an idea.
Example- Ram goes to the market every evening.
Here Ram and market are nouns.

2)Pronoun-The word that takes place of a noun is called pronoun.
Example-Ram goes to the market every evening. He buys chocolates.
"He" is pronoun because it replaces the noun "Ram".

3)Verb-It is a word which shows action or state of being.
Ram goes to the market every evening.
"goes" is an action word so it is a verb.

4)Adverb-It is a word that describes verb.
Example- Ram generally goes to market every evening.
Here the word "generally" is an adverb.

5)Adjectives-A words that describes noun.
Ram goes to the super-market every evening.
Here the word "super" is an adjective.

6)Preposition-A word which relates noun or pronoun with the sentence.
Ram goes to the market in the evening.
Here "in"  is a preposition.

7)Conjunctions-It is a word that joins words or sentences.
Ram goes to the market and the park every evening.
Here "and" is a conjunction

8)Interjection-It is a word which express sudden emotions.
Wow!Ram goes to the market every evening.
here the word "Wow!" is an interjection.

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