Monday 18 April 2011

Uncountable Nouns

The noun can be broadly classified as “Countable” or “Uncountable”. The thumb rule to check whether a noun is countable or not is that countable nouns can be counted individually where as uncountable noun can not. This is the reason that we donot have plural forms of uncountable nouns. An important thing to remember that one should never use the article ‘a” or “an” before uncountable nouns.
Broadly speaking there are 5 categories of uncountable nouns
1)      Food- e.g. meat ,butter
2)      Liquids -e.g. Tea
3)      Materials- e.g. paper ,iron
4)      Abstract nouns e.g. advice ,music
5)      Powders e.g. flour

Some uncountable nouns can  be used as countable by adding phrase.
piece of baggage
a loaf of bread
a bar of butter
a slice of cheese
a piece of furniture
a piece of information
a glass of water  

Monday 4 April 2011

Parts of the speech.

There are 8 parts of speech

1)Noun-Noun is a word that tells the name of a person , place , thing , an emotion or an idea.
Example- Ram goes to the market every evening.
Here Ram and market are nouns.

2)Pronoun-The word that takes place of a noun is called pronoun.
Example-Ram goes to the market every evening. He buys chocolates.
"He" is pronoun because it replaces the noun "Ram".

3)Verb-It is a word which shows action or state of being.
Ram goes to the market every evening.
"goes" is an action word so it is a verb.

4)Adverb-It is a word that describes verb.
Example- Ram generally goes to market every evening.
Here the word "generally" is an adverb.

5)Adjectives-A words that describes noun.
Ram goes to the super-market every evening.
Here the word "super" is an adjective.

6)Preposition-A word which relates noun or pronoun with the sentence.
Ram goes to the market in the evening.
Here "in"  is a preposition.

7)Conjunctions-It is a word that joins words or sentences.
Ram goes to the market and the park every evening.
Here "and" is a conjunction

8)Interjection-It is a word which express sudden emotions.
Wow!Ram goes to the market every evening.
here the word "Wow!" is an interjection.